Jennie Bates
GENESIS (2019)
The first day
diorama box - MDF, acrylic paint, china marker on paper, wooden dowel
The second day
diorama box - MDF, acrylic paint, china marker and acrylic on paper, wooden dowel
The third day
diorama box - MDF, greyboard, acrylic paint, china marker and acrylic on paper, wooden dowel
The fourth day
diorama box - MDF, acrylic paint, china marker and acrylic on paper, wooden dowel, string
The fifth day
diorama box - MDF, acrylic paint, china marker on paper, wooden dowel
The sixth day
diorama box - MDF, greyboard, acrylic paint, china marker on paper, wooden dowel
The seventh day (2019)
diorama box - MDF, hardboard, acrylic paint, china marker on paper, wooden dowel
A project on the creation myth in the Bible, exploring themes of artist as creator, the hand of god, flat earth theory, the anthropocentric universe, and interpretation and misinterpretation of a text.